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What are common symptoms of coeliac disease in children?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects children and adults, with around 1 in 100 in the UK estimated to be affected by it. The problem is that most children that have coeliac disease are yet to be diagnosed, and this can lead to long-term complications. As with symptoms of coeliac disease in adults, it isn’t always easy to spot the signs in children, as there are certain symptoms that are often overlooked or assumed to be linked to other conditions.

As there is no cure for coeliac disease, you must be strict with your child if they are diagnosed, and completely cut out gluten. This is the only way to ensure that long-term effects such as growth problems, delayed puberty, iron deficiency, chronic fatigue, and other problems are not experienced.

Common symptoms of coeliac disease

If you have noticed that any of the following things are happening on a regular and/or on-going basis with your child, you should take them to see a medical professional for an assessment:

  • Do they have a bloated tummy?
  • Do they suffer with constipation or diarrhoea?
  • Do they suffer with stomach pain?
  • Are they suffering with sickness and nausea?
  • Are they always tired?
  • Have they stopped growing as fast as they were?

There are some other symptoms too that you should be aware of in your child, such as:

  • Severe mouth ulcers
  • Low levels of iron, vitamin B12 and other nutrients

How is coeliac disease diagnosed in children?

Your GP will be able to conduct a blood test to measure levels of antibodies that are produced when gluten is ingested. After this, they may refer your child to a specialist for further investigations or to confirm the diagnosis. It is important that until there is a confirmed diagnosis that you do not remove gluten from your child’s diet. 

Gluten free products on prescription

Once you have spoken to a medical professional about your child and the symptoms of coeliac disease that they are suffering with, you can begin to plan ahead. Living a gluten-free life and changing your diet can be challenging as an adult, but there are ways in which you can ease the transition for your child by seeking out help in the form of a gluten-free prescription if they qualify. With a prescription you can gain access to a wide range of gluten-free products, with different types of products available depending on where you are located in the UK, including gluten-free pasta, gluten-free bread, flour, crackers, and an assortment of other items. This can help you to put in place some key, staple ingredients that you have 100% confidence in them being gluten-free and safe for your child to consume. When you have this help alongside your own meal plans and search for gluten-free ingredients in the supermarket, it can go a long way to setting up your child well for life.

Understanding the common symptoms of coeliac disease in children and being proactive in seeking medical help if you suspect your child has those symptoms is the best way to ensure that your child does not suffer long-lasting complications from ingesting gluten. When you combine that with building new habits, meal planning and acquiring a gluten-free prescription should your child qualify for one, takes your active caring nature to the next level and helps to prepare your child for a gluten-free life.


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