Nowadays, many choose to eat homemade food over processed meals to be healthier. Not only is it more delicious, but it is also safer, relatively healthier, and more affordable than having food delivered. People who garden also save more money by cooking their homegrown organic veggies and fruits.
While homemade food is always a healthier option than store-bought ingredients and processed meals, parents still have to be careful with what they feed their children, especially babies. That being said, here are five things you need to consider before making baby food at home.
Choose The Right Fruits Vegetables
It is no secret that fruits and vegetables are healthy. Training kids to eat their greens is a great way to boost their health and immune system. However, not all fruits and veggies are suitable as baby food. Some might have high concentrations of certain nutrients that might not be good for babies under one year old.
If your baby is six months old, avocados, apples, peas, peaches, squash, carrots, and bananas are some of the fruits and veggies you can feed them. Many of these greens are available in colder regions, such as Cavite province. This means future owners of the houses and lots for sale in General Trias City will have access to their goods and make tasty organic homemade baby food.
Steer away from beets, spinach, collards, and turnip greens. These veggies are high in nitrates that may reduce your baby’s hemoglobin. You may introduce these “more advanced” veggies to your baby once they reach eight to nine months old.
Make Ample Fridge/Freezer Room
Since you will be using organic ingredients for your baby’s food, they may spoil faster than commercial baby foods you can buy in the supermarket. To keep your baby’s food from going bad, make enough fridge and freezer room to store all your fruit and vegetable purees. The cold temperature will boost the baby food’s shelf life, especially if you live in humid regions. The cold will also delay the growth of bacteria and mold in your fruit and veggie purees.
Follow Proper Food Preparation Steps
Because you will feed your baby with homemade goods, it is crucial to follow proper food preparation procedures. Doing so will keep your baby safe from foodborne illnesses due to bacteria contamination. Start with thoroughly washing your hands before preparing your ingredients. Sterilize all tools you need to make baby food, such as spoons, bowls, knives, and blenders.
It is also wise to avoid keeping your baby’s food at room temperature for more than two hours. Doing so encourages ants to come in and bacteria to grow. Throw away any unfinished baby food instead of storing it for later. The saliva on your baby’s spoon being put back into the food may cause bacteria.
Add Texture
As your baby grows and develops a preference for specific fruits and veggies, adding a bit of texture may make your baby’s food taste better. Plus, it also helps your child transition from soft liquid foods to more solid meals much easier. Some textured foods you can give your baby are soft pasta, mashed potatoes, and fluffy scrambled eggs.
Take Note of Allergens
To assess which fruit or veggies may cause allergies, introduce new foods to your baby every two to four days. Doing so lets you determine the foods that may have caused your baby’s allergies. Consult your baby’s pediatrician if the allergies won’t go away or they get worse.
Overall, preparing baby food at home involves proper sanitation, choosing suitable fruits and vegetables, and storing purees in dry, cold places. Take heed of these five things to make healthy and yummy homemade baby food.